Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Under the sea

Mermaid Run sets the perfect name for my utopian society.Mermaid run lets people know its not in ANY dry area. No land and no humans with feet. its all simply water with mermaids and mermans. Planet of the feet has ruined their dry lands with waste. however mermaid run is the opposite we use every bit of resource we have to build our society bigger to expand. we want more people to join our society so they can see what life is like with no feet. Also mermaid run sets high expecations for outsiders. everyone who lives here is the happiest they could ever be. mermaid run is a vacation that never ends. its nice, refreshing, and so much space that it can never get cluttered. its everything anyone could have ever dreamed of. its a fairy tale come true. Mermaid run is what you can call PARADISE.

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