Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 3:

Good Afternoon! so far today i have ran around doing errands to set up my special party celebrating my 40th birthday! I have finally settled in mermaid run, i used to travel the world but when i came here it was so diffrent and i could feel in my heart this is where i belong. when you come here you check in and they give you a new name, a name that respresents the ocean in some way. its a new beginning. i got a fin that has sparkly pink and yellow jewels that is decorated so beautiful. i didnt know anyone at first because i romed the city in excitement and wanted to learn what it was about. everytime you pass someone they smile and say hello. i have never passed by someone who looks sad and lonely. everyone is happy 24/7 and thats so diffrent for me because of what ive seen when i traveled. everyone is wealthy and no poor people and no crimes. you can leave your wallet somewhere and someone returns it that same day. i love it here! i live life to the fullest and never have to worry about money issues or anything. well time to get back to getting props for my party!

Meredith( protector of the sea)

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