Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mermaid Rules

  1. NO feet whatsoever. our wet land is all fins.feet are forbidden and are apart of the reason for their
  2. NO plain fins. your fins have to have color on them. since mermaid run is a happy place, plain colored fins ruin the happiness and is not eye gazing.
  3. NO mean mugging, dirty looks, no frowns. having those looks give bad vibes, and unhappiness is not accepted in Mermaid run
  4. Once you find your mermania as in soul mate. you must not cheat, leave, or hurt your mermania. cheating is unacceptable and any tears will cost you to lose your fin.
  5. you must give a hand, hug, or handshake when passing by a mermaid or merman. Since we are kind, loving, and caring we love to socialize with people and make them feel welcomed and happy in the inside and outside.
  6. NO complaining. no mermaid or merman wants to hear your problems. and noone should have any problems when its a life full of happiness. 
  7. IF you break any of these rules more than once than you will be sent to the planet of feet and live an unhappy life with no color.

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