Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Declaration of Mermaid Run

We the Mermaids and Mermans of Under the sea, declare Independence from Planet of the Feet. In Order to have the power for fins.we shall take over the oceans and seas surrounding the borders of the land that humans pollute and don't appreciate. we  need to stop planet of the feet from killing the seas with unwanted materials.
Our Sea of adventure will contain of no money, no fighting, no kidnapping, nor all the negatives things that ruin society like planet of the feet. Under the sea will be a place for fish tail friends to meet and greet and live happily. Everyday we will charish every moment we have with no regrets or unhappiness. we will live high above the people with feet, and we will shine bright with our fins held high. we will show all and everyone what we are made of. we are who we are, we are the mermaids and mermans from UNDER THE SEA!

We want a sea of fish friendly, adventure seeking, and living to the fullest! we are the mermaids and mermans from under the sea!


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