Thursday, January 20, 2011

Governing Body

      The government of this utopia will be trustworthy and faithful to its people it will be runned by King and queen. As in planet of the feets government their people get stabbed in the back by rumors and lies that the government feeds them. The government will look to the people for anything and everything for making decisions or concerns.
      The people will be happy with the government and wont have to worry about poor decisions the government makes. everyone will be equal in everyway and have the same rights towards everybody in mermaid run. The people will have to obey the government and may not turn against it. if the people do so the government will give the people want and need as a society. they will build up our economy and accept anyone who joins the society.
      Mermaid run is all about the people and making sure the people are happy in everyway. the government will make sure of this by not picking sides and excluding people out. The government will have meetings that mermaids and mermans can attend to talk amongest themselves about decisions makings. 
     If the queen or king die ( government) their daughter and son ( princess and prince) will take over the crowns and rule mermaid run just like their parents and so farth. they will run the society the same way as their parents and have the same ideas and mind thinking.

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