Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 2:

Today, i woke up feeling great and refreshing. every breath i take feels like the first one. everyday feels like a new start. and every memory feels like my first. this city is just so WONDERFUL! ive never been happier. so far my plans for today are spending the day with my wife Nerissa and my son Morven. we are going to go to the park so my son can play with other kids. my other plans are going to the store to get food so me and my wife can make dinner. we are having crab! yum.
Me and my family are so greatful to be here! its actually is the best thing thats happened to me in my life. im glad i get to spend my time here with my family. Before i came here me and my wife were in a bad realtionship we always faught, and argued. but since we came here we havent been in one fight and not a single tear has ran down mine or her face. well its time to take my son to the park and to go shopping! ill get back to you tomorrow!!

Zale( sea strength)

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