Sunday, January 23, 2011

Journal Entries

Day 1:

What a beautiful day in mermaid run it was! Today the city gathered today in the tallest building, the castle! anyone mermaid or merman was welcome! it was my first time in the castle to see the queen and king and talk about the celebration of the 100th year of mermaid run! it was so exciting to hear peoples idea. some people have been here so long and their emotions have not changed one bit since they got here. this is only my 1st day here and im already loving it!!! i want to get to know more people and meet a special someone. everyone is so pleasing here and welcoming. i live by myself right now but im planning on moving in with some roommates once i met people. well anywho during the meeting people came up with ideas like a picnic with singing and dancing and entertainment. another idea was the decorations and decorating the whole city in ribbons and confetti! we never came to a conclusion during the meeting but i cant wait for the 100th year! thats all for now!

love and kisses,
Cordelia( Sea jewel)

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