Sunday, January 23, 2011


who needs feet when you can swim faster with fins!

This advertisment grabs people attention because people love swimming and when you have feet and try to swim they can be 10 times faster with fins!

Daily scheldue

              9am-12pm: Wake up
                                Eat breakfast/lunch
                                errands/school for kids
                              see family/friends
                              Pick kids up from school
                             Eat dinner
                             Watch a movie with family
                              Bed time

             9am-12pm: Drive kids to school
                               Grocery shopping
                               Pick kids up from school
                               Town activity at community center
                                Eat dinner
                                 family time( games)
                                 Bed time
                9am-12pm: Drive kids to school
                                   Lunch break
                                   Get off work/ pick up kids
                                   Eat dinner
                                   Bed time
                  9am-12pm: Eat breakfast
                                   run errands
                                   Get ready
                                   Meet and greet people
                                   Town actvity
                                     Bed time
                 9am-12pm: Work
                                   Drop kids off at babysitter
                                  Lunch break
                                   Pick up kids
                                   Get ready
                                 Town dance
                                   Bed time
                9am-12pm: sleep in
                 1pm-5pm: Lunch
                                  grocery shopping
                                   Family time
                                  Town get together for adults only
                                  Bed time
              9am-11pm: FAMILY DAY ALL DAY. the whole town gets together to have a                       "family day".

Day 3:

Good Afternoon! so far today i have ran around doing errands to set up my special party celebrating my 40th birthday! I have finally settled in mermaid run, i used to travel the world but when i came here it was so diffrent and i could feel in my heart this is where i belong. when you come here you check in and they give you a new name, a name that respresents the ocean in some way. its a new beginning. i got a fin that has sparkly pink and yellow jewels that is decorated so beautiful. i didnt know anyone at first because i romed the city in excitement and wanted to learn what it was about. everytime you pass someone they smile and say hello. i have never passed by someone who looks sad and lonely. everyone is happy 24/7 and thats so diffrent for me because of what ive seen when i traveled. everyone is wealthy and no poor people and no crimes. you can leave your wallet somewhere and someone returns it that same day. i love it here! i live life to the fullest and never have to worry about money issues or anything. well time to get back to getting props for my party!

Meredith( protector of the sea)
Day 2:

Today, i woke up feeling great and refreshing. every breath i take feels like the first one. everyday feels like a new start. and every memory feels like my first. this city is just so WONDERFUL! ive never been happier. so far my plans for today are spending the day with my wife Nerissa and my son Morven. we are going to go to the park so my son can play with other kids. my other plans are going to the store to get food so me and my wife can make dinner. we are having crab! yum.
Me and my family are so greatful to be here! its actually is the best thing thats happened to me in my life. im glad i get to spend my time here with my family. Before i came here me and my wife were in a bad realtionship we always faught, and argued. but since we came here we havent been in one fight and not a single tear has ran down mine or her face. well its time to take my son to the park and to go shopping! ill get back to you tomorrow!!

Zale( sea strength)

Journal Entries

Day 1:

What a beautiful day in mermaid run it was! Today the city gathered today in the tallest building, the castle! anyone mermaid or merman was welcome! it was my first time in the castle to see the queen and king and talk about the celebration of the 100th year of mermaid run! it was so exciting to hear peoples idea. some people have been here so long and their emotions have not changed one bit since they got here. this is only my 1st day here and im already loving it!!! i want to get to know more people and meet a special someone. everyone is so pleasing here and welcoming. i live by myself right now but im planning on moving in with some roommates once i met people. well anywho during the meeting people came up with ideas like a picnic with singing and dancing and entertainment. another idea was the decorations and decorating the whole city in ribbons and confetti! we never came to a conclusion during the meeting but i cant wait for the 100th year! thats all for now!

love and kisses,
Cordelia( Sea jewel)



in my utopia i wouldnt only have one utopian animal i would have 2. my two utopian animals would be a star fish and a sea horse. The star fish symbolizes friendship. making friends with starfishes they suck onto you by letting you know they are there for you and they symbolize hugs.

The sea horses symbolize love. since seahorses find their soulmate and stay with that one sea horse thats what mermaids and mermans do also.

Motto: Where dreams are reality

Everyone one has dreams. everyone knows dreams can be good. Dreams are what people want because they show a future. well in mermaid run dreams are reality. everyone dreams of a happy, loving, unforgetable place where no bad things happen and thats exactly what mermaid run is. its where dreams are your reality and its breath taking.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Inviation to friends

 Hello to my future mermaids and mermans.                                                                                                       I write this letter to apoint to you that MERMAID RUN is the best utopia out there in the world. i   bring to you a world like no will bring you a face full of smiles with a heart full of love for this utopia. it will make you think about all the good things in life and all the negative things will leave your mind. There wont be one second when you feel low or down in your time being here. its like a vacation never ending and escaping from reality to the real world. its a dream come true. noone wishes to leave!
 mermaid run is all about the happiness it brings to this world.
    this world is nothing like others, once you live here and meet your soul mate they cant turn your backs on you its like sea horses once a sea horse meets their partner they are stuck with that one sea horse for the rest of their lives. if you talked to anyone about this world theyd say its worth it and everything they say to you is something that you wanted to hear. everything is so colorful and bright! the government is runned by a king and a queen who are delightful and the most happiest and trusthworthy people.
    this is where you my friends belong, come join me and never go back. its once in a life time thing. you wont regret a single moment your here.

Governing Body

      The government of this utopia will be trustworthy and faithful to its people it will be runned by King and queen. As in planet of the feets government their people get stabbed in the back by rumors and lies that the government feeds them. The government will look to the people for anything and everything for making decisions or concerns.
      The people will be happy with the government and wont have to worry about poor decisions the government makes. everyone will be equal in everyway and have the same rights towards everybody in mermaid run. The people will have to obey the government and may not turn against it. if the people do so the government will give the people want and need as a society. they will build up our economy and accept anyone who joins the society.
      Mermaid run is all about the people and making sure the people are happy in everyway. the government will make sure of this by not picking sides and excluding people out. The government will have meetings that mermaids and mermans can attend to talk amongest themselves about decisions makings. 
     If the queen or king die ( government) their daughter and son ( princess and prince) will take over the crowns and rule mermaid run just like their parents and so farth. they will run the society the same way as their parents and have the same ideas and mind thinking.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mermaid Rules

  1. NO feet whatsoever. our wet land is all fins.feet are forbidden and are apart of the reason for their
  2. NO plain fins. your fins have to have color on them. since mermaid run is a happy place, plain colored fins ruin the happiness and is not eye gazing.
  3. NO mean mugging, dirty looks, no frowns. having those looks give bad vibes, and unhappiness is not accepted in Mermaid run
  4. Once you find your mermania as in soul mate. you must not cheat, leave, or hurt your mermania. cheating is unacceptable and any tears will cost you to lose your fin.
  5. you must give a hand, hug, or handshake when passing by a mermaid or merman. Since we are kind, loving, and caring we love to socialize with people and make them feel welcomed and happy in the inside and outside.
  6. NO complaining. no mermaid or merman wants to hear your problems. and noone should have any problems when its a life full of happiness. 
  7. IF you break any of these rules more than once than you will be sent to the planet of feet and live an unhappy life with no color.

Under the sea

Mermaid Run sets the perfect name for my utopian society.Mermaid run lets people know its not in ANY dry area. No land and no humans with feet. its all simply water with mermaids and mermans. Planet of the feet has ruined their dry lands with waste. however mermaid run is the opposite we use every bit of resource we have to build our society bigger to expand. we want more people to join our society so they can see what life is like with no feet. Also mermaid run sets high expecations for outsiders. everyone who lives here is the happiest they could ever be. mermaid run is a vacation that never ends. its nice, refreshing, and so much space that it can never get cluttered. its everything anyone could have ever dreamed of. its a fairy tale come true. Mermaid run is what you can call PARADISE.

Declaration of Mermaid Run

We the Mermaids and Mermans of Under the sea, declare Independence from Planet of the Feet. In Order to have the power for fins.we shall take over the oceans and seas surrounding the borders of the land that humans pollute and don't appreciate. we  need to stop planet of the feet from killing the seas with unwanted materials.
Our Sea of adventure will contain of no money, no fighting, no kidnapping, nor all the negatives things that ruin society like planet of the feet. Under the sea will be a place for fish tail friends to meet and greet and live happily. Everyday we will charish every moment we have with no regrets or unhappiness. we will live high above the people with feet, and we will shine bright with our fins held high. we will show all and everyone what we are made of. we are who we are, we are the mermaids and mermans from UNDER THE SEA!

We want a sea of fish friendly, adventure seeking, and living to the fullest! we are the mermaids and mermans from under the sea!